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Why change is uncomfortable and how to get comfortable

You're here because you don't want to feel so stressed anymore. You're here because you want things to be different, you want to grow.

And I can't lie to you. Reducing your stress and overcoming overwhelm will require change.

I know, the C's not a favourite for most people. Change can be scary.

But stick with me...don't click away.

If just the word 'change' makes you uncomfortable, let alone going through it, I've got you. There's a way you can embrace change and shift your mindset about it too.

And I know you're up for the challenge, I know you can do anything you set your mind to. You're driven, you set yourself goals and you will keep applying yourself. You even know how important it is to change the way you're living if you want to reduce your stress.

But even so, I want you to be prepared for panic and anxiety.

Girl hugging dog.

I'm not saying this to create panic and anxiety, I'm saying this to help normalise it, to expect it. To help you be prepared and calmer in the face of this change.

I couldn't give you all these tips all the time to reduce your stress, without addressing how your mind is going to react to this change. It's actually such a key part in the process.

Because I truly want you to be able to reduce your stress and your overwhelm, but I know at times there will be resistance.

I'm asking you to do things differently, to think differently to approach things from new and different angles.

And your mind won't like this.

Why? Because as humans we lean into comfort. So when we introduce a new way of doing things, even if it's good for us. Our mind will freak out! It doesn't labels things as good change and bad change. It just see's change, and that equals discomfort, so it will throw up resistance. It will throw a spanner in the works of you trying to do things differently.

So what can you do? How can you make sure that you can continue to make positive change?

1. Be prepared for the freakout, acknowledge it now. It's a way of preparing the brain for this upcoming change, and the fact that it might feel unrest.

2. Know that the change needs to occur. Acknowledge that the way things are going, the amount of stress you're facing, it isn't working.. You know in yourself why that is, whether it is less patience with your family, the physical body showing you through tiredness, lack of energy, or just because you don't have time to do the things you love 3. Notice and observe. This is a mindfulness technique. But don't try and force or change things. Just notice the mind freaking out, emotions arising.

4. Thank the panic. It's turning up to protect you. So you can say: "Thank you panic for showing me that you're concerned about this change, thank you panic for trying to protect me, but I got this.”

5. Remind yourself you are brave. I know you are. And you are willing to look at this stress you're going through and wanting to do something about it. So remind yourself you have what it takes to make changes to things that aren't working, you are brave enough to break patterns and the behaviours that are keeping you stuck, and you are brave enough to let go of things that aren't working.

So remember, whenever you try and do things differently in life, your mind like an immune system trying to protect the body, is going to react to change like a foreign body. Because it is foreign.

Just knowing this gives you the power. You are prepared that when you try and implement all the things I'm teaching you to reduce your stress, there will be resistance. Expect it, and remind yourself, you've got this. You've got a plan.

Love Louise xx

p.s. So some of the stress reduction tips I talk about are in this free guide 5 instant stress relievers to stop feeling so exhausted. Have you got your copy? Start shifting that dial to feeling more joy and freedom now. Get your free guide here.


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